Sunday, March 4, 2012

Winter Wood Eyes

It's been a winter without snow here in New Jersey.  Therefore, I get to focus much more closely on the brush and stone, moss and lichen.  The colors, although a bit more subtle than spring and summer blooms, are vibrant just the same.  When I traipse through the winter woodland  I never feel alone.  Somehow eyes peek out at me and spy with a curious countenance.  The expressions are priceless and lest anyone think that I am losing it (like my brother) - see for yourself.

Wintergreen face

Puddingstone with a smile

Feigning sleep

Mouse eyes with a lichen and leaf beret.

The only one with sharp looking teeth!

I like this happy guy.  A sweet bark face.

This one looks a little confused - I can relate.

I always smile back.

You lookin' at me?

winter hike
stopping often  to catch
a backwards glance


  1. Thanks Terri. So glad you came along! Andrea

  2. Love your woodland "creatures". Thanks for sharing your winter walk.

  3. I love it! What a way to walk through nature!
