Thursday, July 12, 2012

The moment chooses us.

July is being her sassypants self with this heat.

Somehow I no longer mind. I've made my peace with the weather.

Actually, I was on the bay side of the barrier island in hurricane force winds last week and the most intense squall I have ever experienced yet. I actually challenged the lightning to strike. There was quite a show in the room upstairs with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay and the house shaking. Thunder booming. Water broke over the bulkhead in waves, and it was like being on a ship at sea in a storm. I was alone upstairs, and I fully understood the fury of the storm. I was grateful for this too.

in an email to Robin - July 7, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Side by side

Peace roses
side by side
a worm, spider and me

ag ~ 2012