Saturday, December 1, 2012

that That

that That that song that keeps playing in my head that retort I wish I never said that money I wasted on a dress that time you asked but I did not say yes that photo I never got to take that mistep I refused to make that jealousy I fought so hard to erase that that creeps into a deeper place that longing I cannot control that rant when I'm on a roll that day I gave up to work instead of play that day I gave into shadow's way that I know I'll do it all again that unruly energy I now call friend that chaos is another path taken that that leads to gifts starting to awaken that I can now face the pain that unruly energy called passion stands to gain that we so often mislabel what is truly in our hearts that is that sum of all its wondrous parts ag ~ 2012
with gratitude... inspired by ~ Vicky... on November's full moon What Was Told, That by Rumi So too, all the stops by R.Corman

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Thank you. I do not know why Blogger is creating only run-on sentences for any post I try to post.  This is very annoying and tedious.
I will be switching over to wordpress entirely in the near future.  I apologize for this ignorance.