Recently two friends and I decided to meet regularly to converse, share ideas, eat, laugh, support, inspire and play together. We made our first play date to paint and collage - explore - be loose - be messy and creative one and all.
We souped and such, poured tea, refreshed with chocolate, attuned our intention to be open to spirit's creative blessings, turned up the music and jived. Very much like we used to do in kindergarten before responsibility reared its burdomsome head. We got sloppy, giggled, painted, pasted tissue, cut out paper shapes and simply let go.
An amazing sense of we three community and love poured forth as well as sublime and powerful paintings. Each of us is a responsible caretaker and community member. We pride ourseves on an ever evolving and organic consciousness based on loving life and humanity. But sometimes we just need to get out of our adult selves and simply reroot as kids.
I left our group that night way past my bedtime (yippee) tired and satiated. The unconditional support and love is truly creation that rocks and ripples forward. Thanks Vicky and Michele. Till next time.
Venus on the lee edge of a why not sky
photos courtesy of Michele -
studio, cafe, music, poetry and comedy nights courtesy of Vicky -
painting and haiku by Andrea