Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rest Stop Rejuvenate

Last night I attended a delightful "Open Mic" session at a local alternative gathering spot as comfy and cozy as my own living room.

Alternative because the musicians, songwriters and poets are us.

Alternative because the room is set up with couches, pillows and stools in such a way as to promote intimate conversation as well as space for tuning guitars, helping yourself to a cup of tea or wide circles of laughter.

Alternative because local hard-working souls by day can get together once a month and sing, strum or drum their hearts out to original or favorite songs.

Alternative because everyone is supported, encouraged and inspired to "sing or play" out loud or not. Especially charming young "musicians-in-training".

Rest Stop Rejuvenate is community-based space and mind-set where the concepts of gathering and sharing are realized. Vicky Mulligan is the heart and soul and hard-working spirit who birthed and nursed this truly joyful physical and emotional place that I for one have been searching for in a lifetime.

Please visit online:

Vicky is available and willing to share her concept and more.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flora and fauna on a Sunday stroll

distant haze
through timber and swamp

my rebellious soul
takes a romp

the wash still to do
and bills to pay

what the hell
does it all matter


ag ~ 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

More Leonard J. Buck Garden photos, a glass of iced tea...

Iced tea with blood oranges. Great color and taste.

Friday the 13th
I take my tea strong
the waiter smiles

ag ~ 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Leonard J. Buck Garden

The Leonard J. Buck Garden in Somerset County, NJ is one of the premier rock gardens in the eastern US.  It consists of a series of mature and breathtaking alpine and woodland gardens situated in a 33-acre wooded stream valley.  Mr. Buck and the landscape architect Zenon Schreiber, worked to develop a naturalistic garden which incorporated several large rock outcroppings found on the property.  Their aim (begun in the late 1930s) was to create a garden that would be ecologically correct and not be recognizable as being man-made.  Each outcropping is slightly different, creating varying exposures and microclimates which enable different plant associations to thrive.  Wildflowers flourish and multiply.  This is the introduction from the park commission.  

Their vision is an astonishing success to this day and an inspiration for all gardeners and especially landscape designers.

This an example of a harmonious and spontaneous (happy) plant colony.

A Canada Goose at rest.

If you must have Forsythia - give them space.  Notice that they are not sheared into boxes.  Love the reflection.

~ ~ ~

This garden is simply delightful, oozes charm and is very romantic.

The fairies dance and sing wildflower melodies.

If you are very very quiet and joyful - you may just catch a glimpse of one and if not
you may just fall in love again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Living on the edge

wild violet

adrift ... here and there
roaming with the weeds
outside my garden
in early spring

a purple nymph
tickling the grass
you trip and scurry
along woods' edge

lingering with the dew
until blossoms fade
you easily sail away
butterflies on a breeze

I admire you so

ag ~ 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Glory to Spring!

Mom and I celebrated Easter with a trip to a local garden center.  The pansies were smiling, nodding and cheerily welcoming our visit.  Two swans also gracefully glided nearby looking for snacks and just looking with a knowing that the earth blooms with color and humans around this time every year.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What a day!

dappled light
still on the stones
the stream's song

first published ~ Hummingbird

ag ~ 2009